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Getting the Most Out of Your Free AuditToll Trial - Part 2

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

In our last blog post we discussed the AWS Marketplace Free Trial of our end-to-end tollroad auditing platform, AuditToll, and how to get the most benefit out of the test experience. Part two of our blog series will build on those tips and provide recommendations on how to execute a successful test event based on our previous client experiences. 

The fully-managed AuditToll platform allows for innovation and operational efficiencies that can have a tremendous impact on your operation. Following these steps will give you a roadmap to conducting the most realistic and comprehensive test possible and setting the stage for future success. 

Tip #4: Test for Unplanned Scenarios 

In real life, things don’t always go to plan - so a test event should be no different. That’s why we recommend to our clients to plan for the unpredictable during a test event to offer a better picture of what will happen when things go wrong in the future. We have found that planning two to three times more test trips and an additional 50% of test trip variations allows for sufficient data when we experience unexpected issues during our test event. 

Furthermore, verifying any test parameters ahead of time helps prevent test errors. Finally, doing a practice test event before the actual test event does address technical issues ahead of time. Identifying where potential failures can occur and creating contingency plans will increase the likelihood of having a successful test event. 

Below are several examples of scenarios we have included in test events for our clients:

  1. A driver gets a flat tire

  2. A driver experiences technical issues with the HUSLN Drive app

  3. Unexpected rain causes slowed down traffic and traffic accidents

  4. The test event cannot start on time due to personnel being late or being absent

  5. Incorrect information is received from a driver about an asset, or test requirements

Tip #5: Identify the Necessary Test Artifacts 

Identifying specific necessary test artifacts ahead of time will make planning and execution more time efficient, and will reduce the likelihood of having to retest to get missing data. Some test artifacts will need to be collected in advance of the test event, and others will be collected afterwards. 

Prior to the event, you may need to collect details such as the drivers’ name and driver license information, as well as their vehicles’ license plate information, make, and model. We have found archiving photo evidence is the most accurate way to obtain that information. 

Following the test event, you should download all of the AuditToll test data, and double-check it against your test requirements and objectives to assess whether the team successfully executed the test event. The AuditToll platform allows you to download every table displayed within the different views to provide the most useful and relevant results.

Acquiring the test artifacts in a timely manner reduces the time required to close a test event and will allow you to make the most of your free trial.

Tip #6: Spend time Configuring your AuditToll Site

When you are granted access to your AuditToll site, you have the opportunity to customize and configure it to fit your own needs. Taking the time to do this will better inform the conditions of your test event, address any technical issues, and ensure that all requirements are met in advance. Here are a few of the steps we recommend taking once you have access to your site:  

  1. Provide support with a list of names and email addresses that need access to your AuditToll site. You may also make this request before you get access to your site.

  2. Create the drivers accounts and enter their details, e.g., driver license information, license plate number.

  3. Ask the drivers to download the HUSLN Drive app and log into their account.

  4. Draw your trips.

  5. Create a trip plan to create a trip schedule and assign drivers to trips.

  6. Create a practice trip plan, and ask the drivers to execute their trip plan schedule at least one day prior to the test event.

We have successfully executed test events for many clients, and helped to demonstrate the innovative capabilities of AuditToll and how they can support their organization's goals. With our combined decades of tolling and test engineering experience, we can simplify your test strategy with our efficient test planning and our ability to work directly with professional drivers. If you have any questions about AuditToll, the AWS Marketplace Free Trial, or planning your next test event, please contact the AuditToll support team.



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