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Mobile, Cloud, Crowdsourced: Our Approach to Cybersecurity and Privacy

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

Mobile Technologies We increase the security and privacy of our mobile users by limiting the amount of data we collect, encrypting how the data is sent and stored, and allowing the data to become anonymous. With many services supporting mobile-only solutions, it is important to ensure mobile platforms have strong security and privacy.

Cloud Computing Cloud computing is a big part of how we operate at VeriToll. We use data segregation, encryption, and access controls to secure and protect the data we process. We have patented technologies to increase the privacy of data we process. The adoption of cloud computing is rapidly growing and implementing security in the cloud also grows in importance.

Crowdsourcing We use people’s input (the “crowd”) in our platforms and we ensure we protect both our clients and the crowd. Our clients trust us to protect their operation and information and the crowd trusts us to protect their privacy when using our platforms. We keep the tasks discreet, securely share and monitor data exchange, and segment the information a single person can see using our license plate technology. See video below to learn how it works. With the challenges and precautions required by COVID-19, many companies were forced to adapt quickly and trust different technologies and working models for remote and distributed work in order to remain operational. Having a system you can trust to keep people (employees or the crowd) safely at home and at the same time support operations in a seamless, efficient, and secure manner is a win-win for all. Contact us to discuss how we can help secure your existing systems or to request a demo for CrowdToll, AuditToll, or WINetwork.



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